(Chicago, IL – September 21, 2017) The Arts, Science + Culture Initiative at UChicago presents Slipping and Jamming: Variable Installation of Z-Forms, by Chicago-based artist Dan Peterman. Commissioned for the 2nd Chicago Architecture Biennial, Slipping and Jamming is a sculptural installation that explores the tension between structural stability and instability. The work is composed of thousands of "Z-Forms"—post-consumer reprocessed plastic elements each cut in the form of a Z. Assembled into large sculptural forms, they embody a highly counterintuitive idea: The possibility to create load-bearing, stable forms not by the orderly arrangement of the individual elements, but by random, disordered configurations that structurally resemble a potentially flowing liquid.

From a sculptural perspective, jamming is an evocative concept. It is applicable on both micro and macro scales; the behavior of a ball of shaving cream in the palm of your hand or that of polar ice sheets. In both cases, the jammed, effectively solid behavior has the possibility to deform like a liquid when forced strongly enough. "My work as an artist has an ecological focus, and this shifting range of scale is relevant to how I think about the world,” says Peterman. “For me, jamming behavior carries along with it the companion idea of slippage—a fine line between material conditions of either stability or flow, useful engagement or abandonment.”

The sculpture will be installed in the William Eckhardt Research Center on the University of Chicago campus through November 30. Slipping and Jamming is curated by Julie Marie Lemon, the Program Director & Curator of the University-wide Arts, Science + Culture Initiative and supported by the University of Chicago Public Arts Fund.
Exhibition: October 3 – November 30, 2017